A Familial Familiar Sound
Coming back home? Or Coming back to a home?
Sydney as loyal readers will know holds a special place in my heart.
I love this city. There isn't much to hate about it except that it's a 1000 miles from anywhere else.
Driving through familiar streets for the first time since I left over 3 years ago, I feel detached...in the sense that I remember that I have forgotten. I am drifitng by remembering things of the past and I feel almost guilty that I have not thought about them for over a year...How could I forget this scenery? Am I betraying this town because it lapsed from my memory...
Slowly sights and sounds rush back to me and I realise that indeed I have a whole life here...Family, friends and my childhood...how did I forget that being so caught up in day-to-day chores.
Sydney Amnesia is so fun to wake up from...the sun, surf and sand...A long weekend ahead...with jazz and lots of park time...
A piercing thrilling sound of the shofar...blown by my father, in our shule where all these people who watched me grow up come to greet me...Shana Tova...A sweet new year.
I feel reassured, comforted...it's nice to have a hug from my nephews...an injection of strength for the year to come.