Free Time
Since I have some random time on my hands my thoughts flow from - becoming a photographer, to a fashion designer, to maybe one day studying my and boys.
Food is first of course - I think about food a lot, I dream of what I am going to eat for dinner all through the day, I always have food on me, I am always composing new things to eat in my mind and I am the president elect of my own fine dining club - we meet once a week to eat in a restaurant...and I send the email telling everyone the details, which I think therefore makes me president, although others may differ in opinion which is fine, because it isn't really a club anyway....just a few girlfriends and anyone is welcome!
There are many benefits to the Fine Dining Club...the main one being food.
After that - great conversation - as opposed to going on some boring date - we discuss the boring dates and somehow that makes them interesting??? Go figure -
Last week we discussed the patheticness (who cares if that is a word or not) of some random guy who cancelled on friend of mine because it was raining and he didn't want to leave the house...they made a "rain check" but she wondered what would happen if it rained again...What does this guy do if he runs out of toilet paper and it's raining outside? You know what, I don't want to know...
What else to do with my spare time...hmmm...Oh yeh, I shop for food, I make my mum send me recipes and discuss them, I really truly wonder how much time I spend thinking of food...maybe it's a bit unhealthy? At least thinking about it isn't fattening though...I hate fat, I hate that I can't buy lean meat here and I hate that I now have to go to Power Yoga in order to get rid of my fat. I was in pain for 3 days after my class and if it wasn't for that Lemon Mousse, what a weakness!
Should I take my own food tomorrow or should I buy lunch at Uni? Oh no need to worry now because my lectures have just been cancelled due to an intensification of the strike. The intensification has made such an impact that it's nowhere to be reported on the news.
Which essentially means more free time...however this isn't really free time.
I cant go on holiday
I can't start some other new course
I can't sart a new job
I can't really do anything, because we just don't know when it will be over.
It's so great to be able to sit here in front of my computer and do nothing.