Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Mima'amakim, the artistic collective based in New York City thatgathers in "Creative Exploration of the Religious Jewish Experience". Mima'amakim also publishes an annual printed journal and a monthlyonline journal with visual arts, as well. Check it out at

On Mondayevening,August 29th at 7:00pm, we will host an open-mic event atTmol Shilshom in Jerusalem.If you are interested in presenting any works of poetry, short prose,slam, spoken word, etc. creatively expressing the religious Jewishexperience please contact us know so we can add you to theline-up. Works in both Hebrew & English are welcome!

My contribution:
I found myself separated
There is a destiny and a history
I wander between the burden and the hope
You appear in a vision, the white surrounding the black

Around me are limitations and you defy them all.
Borders that bound land
Time to mark the day
Body that confines existence

I am trying to advance
There are memories and plans
I arise amongst opportunities departed and dreams
Your light, manifest amidst the shadows

I read a thousand words and your image remains blurred
Your hand outstretched
Your face hidden
Your mystery in a cloud of glory

My soul is incomplete
There is faith and doubt
I contemplate belief and heresy
The questions elucidate you the answers are superfluous

Our conversation spans millennia and you give a promise
A land of milk and honey
A people numerous as the stars
A law that is a path to follow

So here I am
With my freedom and my prison
I try to abide by the rules but I have temptation to sin
You remain on the edge of the horizon

My lips move and the sound is audible to me only
I praise creations
I make requests for mankind
I thank you for judging

This is what I know
My feelings have my legs to stand on
Decisions cause choice to invade my consciousness
And although I am torn I am also connected
Your name reverberates from the depths and I listen
What is, what was and what will be.


Blogger Wisey said...

Why is it that when people open up, they become so cool??

3:49 PM  

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